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Street Life Entertainment & Advertising @ Rome

The whole area attention was absorbed by this group of break dancers who decided to work in the street. The Impact was solid. Trafic couldnt advance. Cars are obsolete in a place like Via del Corso.


Few meters later 3 fubol players act for walkers infront Nike Store. The Same Day. The same street

Fubol projected in street (where I walk) gently invades the perception area of individual. So then, "is very natural adquire an EuroLigue Basket-Ball, or some sporty swetters to workout.  Because it is part of my world already."

Advertising remembered by emotion before intelect.



QR Code is a container of useful information such as text, images, phone numbers, even website links!
This next QR Code corresponds to alpha version. Scanning it with your smartphone you can enter to the site. Try it & please let us know how it works for you.
Qr Code:

This vinyl QR Code posted on facade allows citizen to photograph the building and simultaneously get access to the site.

Check out  this advertising experience of LEGO   

Also DUREX produced an advertising campaing using QR codes succesfully

Licencia Creative Commons
Este obra de Portugal Arquitectos S.C está bajo una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported.