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@ MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo

MAXXI is now open, we got the new in our visit to Rome, so.. here it is: a fluid concept with no facade but a complementary body from inside to outside & backwards.
MAXXI building is easily recognized from its near context.  But also please notice that MAXXI proportion-design allows context to be appreciated from MAXXI as well.  Unity: universal construction principle.  In MAXXI, Unity intentions are also recordable in material join details: where concrete corresponds to the same drawing line than steel grating and white stone.  
Aerial view of the Flaminio district.  Zooming out: MAXXI follows the flux of water

Architectured by Mrs Zaha Hadid, MAXXI shows the last build conception of art museum and its applications in the world. Please join  There is a lot of useful information related to administration and placement of arts.

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